jueves, 9 de junio de 2016

Bye bye ESO

My way in the ESO had good and bad moments. In these years, i learned a lot,

maths, spanish, biography...as well and I changed a lot. If i spend the ESO, I 

would like to do a training cycle in figueras. But first i have to pass the ESO. I'm

nervous to begin studying something I really like.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Face Off

My favourite TV series is Face Off. Face Off is an American reality television game 

show. In this competition series, special effects make-up artists participate in elaborate 

challenges for a grand prize and the honor of being Hollywood's next great effects artist. 

The program participants they have to learn new things every day.

Every week, the artists face a Challenge that tests their artistry and techniques to create 

full makeup character to match a theme over the course of 3 days.